I Am Not on Summer Vacation

Hello. In case you missed it, I was laid off in May 2024.
Some well-meaning folks have said, “Well… at least you get a summer vacation!”
But I can tell you, since this happened: it’s been no summer holiday.
I’m doing my best, but I find myself frequently feeling somewhere between Brantley Foster…
and Nate from Scranton.1
I’ve applied to these companies:

I’ve had a few casual chats with some good people on What’s Next, but not one formal interview.
Is my LinkedIn profile at the bottom of your hiring manager’s Inbox? Was my résumé sent to the capsule dump on The Island?

I can’t tell you what to do, and the hiring process is likely a capsule dump to you too. But if I’m on your radar at all, please… make haste. Check out isaact.co, schedule a chat with me, and let’s see if there’s a fit.
Until then, here are a few testimonials, including one from the CEO of Hedge.
Thank you for reading! And now… back to our regularly scheduled programming.
The T in
Isaac T.
stands for Terronez, a Latin surname of Mexican descent. So for all those job application creators who can’t decide whether or not this is Red Asterisk Worthy: yes, I identify as a Hispanic person of two or more races. ↩︎