Of Huckleberries and Grammar Rodeos

Most of my time at Hedge was spent talking to teams about their post-production workflow needs while my teammates in Europe were rightfully enjoying their evenings or fast asleep. If an incoming email dropped even the slightest reference to a Media Composer workflow, as one of the resident Avid experts, those inquiries typically went straight to my Inbox.
So when Hedge acquired Mimiq in September 2022, I was thrilled.
Mimiq is a focused, rock-solid, reputable app that solves an evergreen problem for Media Composer teams, “How can we work together using non-Avid (or non-NEXIS) storage?”
As part of the acquisition, I was appointed as its Product Specialist, which meant shepherding customers with their Mimiq usage and providing related workflow advice.
One day I received an email from this team with a peculiar name: Huckleberry Industries.
Huckleberry Industries was still using Media Composer 2018.x and macOS 10.14 (Mojave) along with some newer combinations of Media Composer and macOS.
I guided them on which Mimiq licenses were best to purchase for their circumstance and supplied some workflow advice. Then… radio silence. This was usually a good sign with Mimiq customers – it meant they quickly hit their stride and got to the real work of editing. 👌🏽
A few months later, the good people of Huckleberry Industries returned for more Mimiq licenses but under a new (and equally peculiar) name: Grammar Rodeo.
OK… curiosity: piqued.
A quick DuckDuckGo search revealed:
Project Huckleberry
was the codename for a TV series called The Mandalorian.Grammar Rodeo
was the codename for a secret project with Jon Watts at the helm, but it’s now known as Skeleton Crew.
And that’s how I played a teeny, tiny part in making some Star Wars. 😁
