Masahiro Sakurai on Creating Games

Have you ever played a game starring Kirby? Or any installment in Nintendo’s Super Smash Bros. series? Then you should know this name: Masahiro Sakurai.
Sakurai-san started a YouTube Channel back in July 2022 simply called, Masahiro Sakurai on Creating Games:
If you work (or want to work) in any sort of creative profession, this channel is an absolute gold mine.
It’s not about writing code, but features Sakurai-san discussing principles on:
- What makes a game fun
- Coming up with ideas
- Working together as a team
The videos are in bite-size segments, but don’t underestimate those based on their length. Watch one or two, then take a walk or clean your office. These pieces are made for mental marination.
Also, Sakurai-san’s clear, direct, and empathetic approach make this the gold standard in teaching any subject, let alone something as complex as making a game.
Finally, if you’re a branded content creator, there’s so much to learn from how to produce valuable content here. There’s a consistent format with clear indications of a beginning, a middle, and an end. And he gets right into the topic – not one wasted moment.
Here are a few examples to whet your appetite:
Remarkably, none of this is behind a paywall – it’s free.
Even the opening and closing music cues are special, composed by none other than Yuzo Koshiro.
And this is just scratching the surface.
My highest recommendation. Thank you, Sakurai-san.